Upcoming Events: what remains + Drawing #22

Stichting Nac presents the work of the two current artists in residence Simona da Pozzo and Paula Petroll.

Simona da Pozzo: What Remains 
from 16 to 22 in the Zimmerfrei - wolphaertstraat 53A

WHAT REMAINS is both the result and the sketch for a situation:
it is an occasion of exchange about the experience that I'm producing around "what remains" and an assertive question mark.
"From 4 pm to 10 pm" is a duration between two random hours : there is no starting point or an end for something, even though my body will be between the other tiny intervention as a time machine device.... or maybe I could also say that "I'll be performing" but this could induce improper expectations.
So it's simply about this very loop questions about the trace, the impression, the death, the residue (would I be dramatic or not?)... all that stuff.....What would it be there when I (or somebody else) will not?

Paula Petroll - Drawing #22
from 19.00 in art-plaats - wolphaertstraat 25 a/b
To underline,
to outline.

To create the possibility of a landscape with the least necessary meanings.
To form a construct that exists within its own environment.
To respond to present site characteristics.
To interweave imprints of structures from the past, from memory.
To draw the horizon without drawing the horizon.

a moving (light) installation that will let the viewer become part of a moving environment which, with time, unfolds another possibility of artsplaats.

As a part of this event, Stichting Nac organises a borrel (drink) around 20.00 at wolfart project space.

Simona da Pozzo is for 6 weeks in Rotterdam in the frame of the residency prize organised by Progetto Giovani Padova in collaboration with Stichting Nac as a grant for her participation to the exhibition Quotidiana. 
Paula Petroll is the current Around the Corner guest.