On Thursday 8 & Friday 9 of March a group of 50 people went on an studytrip in Rotterdam South. 
Initiated by the SEV (Stuurgroep Experimenten Volkshuisvesting/ advisory committee experimental public housing).
They visited small scale promising locations in this relatively unknown area, this was done in the frame of the national initiated program, Quality Hop Rotterdam South. They visited W_lF RT, the project space of the NAC Foundation, to get an insight about the projects and the structure of NAC. Included was a biological lunch made by “de kok van zuid”,  Pascal and his protégé Laura.

 The 50 visitors.

The Kok van Zuid.

 The lunch.

The result, inspired and satisfied.

  The Community Lover’s Guide 
  edition Rotterdam

On March 9  the book The Community Lover’s Guide edition Rotterdam was presented in the temporary Community Lover’s Lab in Rotterdam.

 The temporary lab at Nieuwe Binnenweg 507.

Inside the book the story of the NAC Foundation next to 13 other initiatives in Rotterdam.

This book is the first in a series called the The Community Lover’s Guide to the Universe: a series of local editions bringing together stories of people and their projects who are actively and creatively making community together.
Each book is produced collaboratively and focus on a particular place or theme.
For more information go to: www.communityloversguide.org  or http://www.socialspaces.org/

  Initiator and Rotterdam editor, Maurice Specht

We met Tessy Britton and Maurice in April 2011 on a conference about  Big Society in Rotterdam.
The next day they visited us. After the visit Tessy posted the following article,

What remains + Drawing #22

a few pictures from the presentation of Simona da Pozzo and Paula Petroll from last friday.

 the bedroom: what remains of our bodies - the urn as dresses to choose
 at art-plaats: paula petroll drawing #22 - the shadow as a drawing that modifies our perception of a space
 the house as exhibition space - so personal and yet a place for passers-by
 an explosion of coloured balloons connected the inside and the outside of the flat
 performative act by Simona da Pozzo - purr
 resid(u)encies: what remained in the kitchen from previous guests
 late night and a guided tour of the flat for the very last visitors
 what remains: strange pictures found in the house and neglected by previous visitors - now updated and replicated in a site specific art piece
 one last view of the resid(u)encies.

it was a great evening. thanks everyone who joined!
if you want to learn more about simona da pozzo's and paula petroll's work visit their websites: simona da pozzo and paula petroll
to know more about the residency of simona da pozzo in rotterdam: simo at rotterdam
Simona da Pozzo won this residency as a grant for her participation to Quotidiana11, exhibition of young italian artists organised by Progetto Giovani - Comune di Padova. the residency is the first partnership project of Progetto Giovani and Stichting Nac.